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Terms of Use – Community Borrowers

Borrowing rights are not transferable.
You are the only person registered and entitled to use your card. Your card will entitle you to borrow up to 5 normal loan items for 14 days with one renewal. Staff at the loans desk can provide details of services available to you. The hours of opening are on the website.

In addition to the normal terms and conditions of use to which all borrowers must adhere, there are some special conditions which apply to Community borrowers.

  • The borrower’s card must be produced each time a library item is borrowed.
  • Library items must be returned to the University Library, in the returns box at the service desk or in the after hours return chute, or by mail on or before the due date.
  • The borrower has full responsibility for any costs incurred by the Library in the provision of requested services for the borrower.
  • The borrower has full responsibility for notifying the Library of any change of address, or change in status under which borrowing privileges were granted.
  • The borrower may use all collections in the library except for special collections or material restricted to University personnel.
  • Reserve and TMC items may NOT be borrowed.
  • Community borrowers may use the on-line catalogues but PCs with access to the Internet and for word processing are only for use by Avondale students and staff.
  • Community borrowers may not place holds on Library items.
  • The library reserves the right to withdraw permission to borrow.
  • Application forms must be completed by all community borrowers. You will need to provide identification when you apply.

To access your library details and renew your loans online you will use a PIN. Your PIN is the day and
month of your birthday (e.g. 6 July, PIN = 0607)

I hereby apply for borrowing privileges, which I understand will allow me to borrow from the
Avondale University Library under conditions determined by the University Librarian. I agree to:

Present my library card each and every time I borrow a library item
Return library items to the University Library, either at the returns kiosk in the foyer, in the afterhours return chute or by mail, on or before the due date.
Take full responsibility for any costs incurred by the Library in the return, replacement, or repairof any items borrowed on my card.
vNotify the Library of any change of contact details e.g. email/mailing address, phone etc.
Borrow only books within the main collection of the library, and understand I may use otherprint resources within the library.
Use all library resources in compliance with copyright law.

I have read the conditions and accept the undertakings and stipulations provided in this application.


Community library members pay an annual fee based on the fee schedule outlined in this table.

Borrower CategoryCost
Avondale staff – spouse or child$11
University of Newcastle staff & students$22
Community (Includes students & staff from other tertiary institutions)$50*
Denominational & SHF workers$44*
Lobster shells students$22
SDI (Sanitarium Development & Innovation)$11

If you are a staff member and would like to suggest an item for purchase use this online form.

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