Discover Avondale University

6. Graduation

Bell-ringing ceremony


• HDR Thesis Examination Procedure
• HDR Rules of Candidature
To access the policies above, go to the Avondale Policies repository and search for the policy name.

Avondale Links

• Explore the “Submission/ Graduation” section of the Avondale HDR Hub site (for Avondale HDR candidates)
Note that, for all graduating MPhil and PhD candidates, further information about the bell-ringing ceremony will be forwarded to you directly in the months before your graduation.

Other Links

PhinisheD is an online discussion and support group for people who are working on their research thesis. You will often find discussions on this site involving people who have recently graduated.

The Thesis Whisperer is a blog that is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University. This site often includes discussions involving research candidates who have recently graduated.

Graduation ceremony


• HDR Thesis Examination Procedure
• HDR Rules of Candidature
• Graduation & Award Conferral Policy
To access the policies above, go to the Avondale Policies repository and search for the policy name.

Avondale Links

• Explore the “Submission/ Graduation” section of the Avondale HDR Hub site (for Avondale HDR candidates)
• Explore the Avondale Research repository, including past Avondale theses. After your thesis has been examined and passed, it will appear in this repositor.
• Explore the publications produced by Avondale Academic Press
Note that, for all graduating MPhil and PhD candidates, further information will be forwarded to you directly in the months before your graduation.

Other Links

PhinisheD is an online discussion and support group for people who are working on their research thesis. You will often find discussions on this site involving people who have recently graduated.

The Thesis Whisperer is a blog that is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University. This site often includes discussions involving research candidates who have recently graduated.



• Research Authorship Policy
• HDR Thesis Examination Procedure
• HDR Rules of Candidature
• Graduation & Award Conferral Policy
To access the policies above, go to the Avondale Policies repository and search for the policy name.

Avondale Links

• Explore the Avondale Research repository, including past Avondale theses. After your thesis has been examined and passed, it will appear in this repository.

Other Links

PhinisheD is an online discussion and support group for people who are working on their research thesis. You will often find discussions on this site involving recent masters and PhD graduates who publish their thesis or parts of their research findings in various types of publications.

The Thesis Whisperer is a blog that is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University. This site often includes discussions involving recent masters and PhD graduates who publish their thesis or parts of their research findings in various types of publications.

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