Discover Avondale University


Empowered to serve for good,
our graduates transform lives through lifelong learning.
As alumni of Avondale, you are change agents committed to values of excellence, spirituality, wellbeing, integrity and service. Supporting journeys of transformation begins here.


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Avondale’s new VC

Avondale’s council has appointed a new vice-chancellor and president for the university.

An MA in following Jesus

Jody Eddy values learning. So, she enrolled in our Master of Arts (Theology). The study is complementing her work as a Discipleship Ministries Team Leader for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. “My eyes are continually opened to the awesomeness of Jesus.” We asked her five questions.

Letter from the VC

Professor Kerri-Lee Krause on how values shape the impact of our learning and teaching.


The Thrift Honours 2024

Experience the musical excellence of our best students A celebration of Avondale Conservatorium’s graduands, high distinction recital and prize-winning students, and scholarship recipients as part of Avondale University’s graduation. Presented by the Conservatorium of Music as part of the 2023 Avondale Concert Series. Freewill offering to support academic prizes, including …

Make a gift

Donate where it’s needed most—a hardship grant, a transformational research project, an inspiring campus life initiative.

Come home

Welcome to Homecoming 2024 (Friday, August 23-Saturday, August 24). Attend in person or connect online. For all alumni and friends—and your families. Enjoy honour year reunions, inspiring worship, memorable music and good food.

Get the full story

Read about how the Avondale experience transforms lives. Subscribe to receive your free newsmagazine.

Stay connected

Update your details for free access to our large library collection—including alumni theology database AtlaSerials—and helpful information services.

Grow your network

Like our Facebook page and join a Facebook group—we have one for each decade—to see updates in your social media feed. The conversation will bring back memories.

Leave a legacy

Your contribution is the foundation for our future. Give a bequest, an endowment or a gift-in-kind, view our award and citation or heritage walk registers, purchase a prayer garden plaque, or browse a yearbook.
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Take your career further

Learn and lead by enrolling in one of our postgraduate courses. Career changers or specialists like you rank us #1 in New South Wales for skills development, student support and teaching quality.*
* The Good Universities Guide 2024. Visit to find out more. 


Become a Master of Nursing to provide advanced care, educate others and lead teams. More →


Qualified and job-ready in just two years. Begin your Master of Teaching journey today. More →


Our MBA hones your leadership skills through contemporary management thinking and practice. More →


Practical, flexible, comprehensive. Our Master of Ministry will help you better share Jesus and serve. More →

Register for Homecoming 2024

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