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Assessment Information

This content supports the Assessment Procedure (HE Coursework) by providing an overview of key points as they relate to students. It should be read in conjunction with the Assessment Procedure (HE Coursework).

Where can I get clarification on my assessment task?

All assessment details such as due dates, word limits (if applicable), assessment task weighting, and marking rubrics (where appropriate) are provided with the Unit Information document, made available from the first day of class.

Lecturers are also available to discuss and clarify assessment requirements and expectations with students. Students should not expect lecturers to provide feedback on an actual draft submission.

What is expected of me when completing an assessment task?

Students are expected to submit assessment tasks on time, as per the due date and time outlined in the relevant Unit Information.

The acceptable word count for all text-based assessment tasks is plus or minus 10%. Marks and comments will only be given for that work which is within the limit.

Students are expected to complete all assessment tasks with honesty and integrity, only submitting work that is their own, and acknowledging the ideas and/or writing of others where applicable. Learning Advisors (Tutors) are available face to face on campus and online for assistance with referencing and academic writing, via the Library and Studiosity 24/7 Study Help. Librarians provide information literacy support such as research, referencing, resource selection and Endnote assistance, face to face or online. You can book an appointment with them via the library website or drop in.

Any perceived incidents of academic misconduct in any form will be handled in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy.

Text-based assessments must be submitted through Turnitin, unless otherwise specified by the relevant lecturer. Students can submit assessment drafts through Turnitin several times before the due date and time in order to obtain early similarity feedback. An assessment task cannot be resubmitted to Turnitin after the due date and time.

Students are to keep a copy/photocopy/photo of all work submitted until the final unit grade is recorded and published.

What support is available for students with a disability or chronic health condition?

Students affected by a disability or chronic medical condition that may require adjustments be made to assessment tasks, are encouraged to apply to the Equity and Disability Support Officer. Such applications must be made in a timely manner before the assessment deadline and must be supported by appropriate documentation from a relevant healthcare professional. See the Disability Policy for more details.

What should I do if there are circumstances preventing me from submitting my assessment on time?

If due to extenuating circumstances students are unable to complete and submit their assessment on time, they may apply for an extension using the Extension Request Form.

Extension Requests

  • Requests submitted more than 1 week before or 24 hours after the assessment due date will not be considered, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • A request for an extension does not guarantee it will be granted.
  • The request must be justified on the basis of circumstances that are reasonably likely to have prevented the student from completing the assessment by the set due date and time.
  • Events that can be planned for will not normally be considered as a justifiable reason for an extension request. This includes, but is not limited to other assessment task deadlines, work commitments or travel.
  • Verifiable, supporting documentation such as a medical certificate, a Professional Practitioner Certificate, or another form of evidence must be included with the extension request. Where obtaining evidence for some specific matter is impossible, a statutory declaration may be acceptable. Requests submitted without supporting documentation will not be considered unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Extension requests will only be processed during working hours, and normally within three working days.

Extensions cannot be granted by the Unit Coordinator or lecturer.

Typically, the length of the extension will be equivalent to the period of time that the student was impacted by the circumstances as evidenced in their request. For example, where a student provides a medical certificate covering three days of illness, the maximum period of extension would usually be three calendar days. The weekend (Saturday and Sunday) will be counted as 1 calendar day, when it falls in the granted extension period.

The Faculty Office will advise the student in writing of the outcome of their extension request. This will include a new due date for submission by which the student can submit the work without a penalty being applied.

What is the penalty for a late submission?

If an assessment task is submitted after the due date and time without an approved extension, the late submission penalty is 5% of the total possible mark for the assessment task for each day or partial day, up to and including 5 days after the due date, including weekends and public holidays. The weekend (Saturday and Sunday) will be counted as 1 day.

If an assessment task is submitted more than 5 days after the due date it will not be marked, and the student will receive 0% for the task.

Example: If the raw mark (that is without any penalty) is 70/100:

Days (or partial days) late
Recorded Mark65605550450

For some assessment tasks late submissions may not be allowed and will therefore not be marked and result in 0% for the task. Where relevant, this will be stated in the Unit Outline.

What is expected for a quiz or test?

quiz or test is a type of assessment task scheduled by the Unit Coordinator during semester. The processes that apply to quizzes and tests also apply to in-person assessment tasks. In-person assessment tasks include assessments that are presented or performed and assessed in real-time. In-person assessments, including quizzes and tests, can be designed in a variety of formats and may include text-based or non-text-based assessment, face to face or virtual participation.

Students must be available at the date and time at which their in-person assessment has been scheduled.

Students must attend and/or complete their in-person assessment as per the instructions and format outlined in the Unit Information, and any additional information provided by the lecturer through Moodle.

  • For an in-class quiz/test students must supply their own writing instruments, and any additional material (e.g. calculator) as permitted by the lecturer.
  • Unauthorised use of mobile phones and other electronic devices is prohibited during a quiz/test.
  • Students who leave the quiz/test for a toilet break will not be provided any additional time to complete their quiz/test.

What should I do if there are circumstances preventing me from attending my in-person assessment at the scheduled date and time?

If due to extenuating circumstances students are unable to attend an in-person assessment at the scheduled time, they may request to complete the assessment at an alternative time. Students must submit their request using the Extension Request Form and include appropriate supporting documentation.

The request for a rescheduled in-person assessment must be made as soon as practicable. Requests submitted more than one working day after the scheduled assessment time will not be considered unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Requests will be approved only in extenuating circumstances, and where the supporting documentation satisfies the Faculty Office. Travel or holiday commitments are not normally acceptable reasons for the reschedule of an in-person assessment.

What should I do if I experience an unexpected medical condition or injury leading up to an in-person assessment, and require special provisions to complete the task?

Students experiencing a short-term or unexpected medical condition or injury which may impact their ability when completing an in-person assessment task, and who therefore require special provisions, need to inform the Faculty Office as soon as practicable. The Faculty Office will determine what special provisions, if any, will be provided or if a reschedule would be appropriate.

What can I do if I believe there is some error in the mark I received for my assessment?

Students may request a re-mark of their assessment task. Students who are seeking a re-mark should initially discuss their mark with the relevant Unit Coordinator and/or lecturer. If the Unit Coordinator agrees that an error has occurred in the calculation of the mark, this may be corrected by the Unit Coordinator without the need for a formal review.

If the student considers that there is still a strong case for a re-mark, they must submit an application to the Head of School using the Application for Review of Mark Form. This must be done within 5 working days of the assessment mark being released to students.

Please note that students should not undertake this process simply to achieve an increase of one or two marks, or because they desire a higher grade.

In their application, the student must be able to justify one of the following grounds for a re-mark:

  • The Unit Information, Unit Outline, marking rubric and/or Moodle was not prepared in accordance with the Assessment Policy and Procedure;
  • The assessment requirements specified in the Unit Information, Unit Outline, marking rubric and/or Moodle were varied in an unreasonable way.
  • The assessment requirements specified in the Unit Information, Unit Outline, marking rubric and/or Moodle were unreasonably or unfairly applied to the student;
  • There was a discrepancy between the feedback and the mark received;
  • Previously approved assessment adjustments have not received appropriate consideration.

A request for a re-mark does not guarantee it will be granted.

Only a single re-mark will be permitted and the result of the re-mark will be recorded as the final mark for that assessment task, irrespective of whether it is lower or higher than the original mark. Please note that the new mark may be the same, higher or lower than the original mark. It is not possible for a student to appeal this decision further via the Appeals process.

Follow the link below for more information about the assessment re-mark process:


When will I find out my final grade(s)?

Final grades are released as per the date published in the Academic Calendar. Students can access their final grades through Student Connect.

Students may at times have an administrative encumbrance which prevents them from viewing their grades. In these circumstances they need to contact the Student Finance Office for details about the encumbrance.

Students may apply for a Review of Grade in accordance with the Appeal Procedure (Academic).

Assessment Remarking

Notes for Students
This content supports and should be read in conjunction with the Assessment Procedure (HE Coursework).

You can apply for a re-mark of an eligible assessment task if you believe that:

  • your assessment mark doesn’t accurately reflect your performance according to the relevant assessment criteria or
  • an error has occurred.

Assessment tasks which are not eligible for re-marking include exams and tasks where re-marking is not feasible such as presentations, clinical skills evaluations and performances.

Step 1

If you wish to request a re-mark of an assessment task, you should first contact your Unit Coordinator or Lecturer. They will discuss your performance in the assessment task with you with reference to the marking criteria. They will also check that the result has been calculated correctly, but they will not re-mark the work. If there is a calculation error, this will be corrected at this stage.

Step 2

If you still believe, after this discussion, that the mark you received doesn’t reflect your performance, you may apply for re-mark.
Your application must be submitted:

  • within five working days of the return of the marked assessment task, unless there are extenuating circumstances, which must be documented
  • using the “Review of Assessment Mark” application form
  • by email to the relevant Head of School for your course.


You must include:

  • an explanation of the grounds on which the review is sought. It is not sufficient merely to state that there has been an error or an injustice. You must clearly specify the error that you believe has been made in the determination of the mark and how you reached this conclusion, providing evidence and specific examples wherever possible; and
  • confirmation that the assessment task and its mark has been discussed with the Unit Coordinator or Lecturer and a report of this discussion, including feedback provided.

You do not need to include a copy of the assessment task, since this will be retrieved from Moodle by your Unit Coordinator.

Group assessments

All members of the group must agree to apply and must submit individual applications. Any change to the mark will apply to all members of the group.

Grounds for a Re-Mark

Students do not have an automatic right to have an assessment task remarked.
In order for an application for a re-mark to be accepted, you must demonstrate that:

  • the original assessment of the task failed to follow the published assessment criteria and/or
  • it was inherently biased and/or
  • there are administrative or procedural irregularities or a breach of policy.

Applications will be rejected where you cannot demonstrate that at least one of these grounds exist.

The following reasons are not grounds for a request for a re-mark:

  • desire for a higher grade
  • perception of inadequate feedback
  • performance in previous units
  • performance in other assessment tasks in this unit
  • challenges to the learning outcomes, assessment methods or standards required
  • study overload
  • financial implications
  • marks received by other students
  • lack of language proficiency
  • penalty imposed for academic misconduct.

Applications will be rejected where it is determined that the behaviour of a student is having a disproportionate and unreasonable impact on Avondale, its staff, services, time and/or resources.


The Head of School will arrange the re-mark of the assessment task and will appoint a different marker. The nomination of the second marker is at the discretion of the Head of School and this marker will remain anonymous to the student.


The result of the re-mark will be recorded as the final mark for the assessment task. You should note that the new mark may be the same, higher or lower than the original mark. The second marker will not provide any comments or feedback for the student.

An assessment task can only be formally re-marked once. You may not appeal the outcome or request any further review.

The Head of School will email you regarding the outcome of your application.


Should you consider that due process under the Assessment Procedure has not been followed, you may lodge a complaint as per the Complaint Resolution Procedure.

Grading System

Description of grading system codes:

Key to grading → 

Historic grades → 

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