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Search Tips

Boolean Operations

Boolean operators can broaden or narrow your results.
Use AND to retrieve results that contain both search terms:
ancient AND egypt
Use OR to retrieve results that contain any or all of your search terms:
poverty OR development
Using NOT to exclude irrelevant results:
literature NOT review

Truncation & Wildcards

Truncation and wildcards are used to search for any spelling of a word.
Truncation: use an asterisk (*) to replace part of a word:
child* = child, childs, children, childrens, childhood*plane = airplane, aeroplane, warplane
Wildcards: use a question mark (?) to substitute one letter within a word:
organi?e = organise, organizewom?n = women, woman

Quotation Marks

Quotation marks can be used to retrieve more specific results.
Consider searching for a specific phrase:
“case study”“ancient history”“mental health”
Consider searching for a specific spelling of a word:
“honour” instead of “honor”“centre” instead of “center”“organise” instead of “organize”


Use the field options in Primo Advanced Search to streamline your results.
Business items only:
Select the Subject field and search Business.
Theses and Dissertations:
Limit the Material Type to thesesTheses by Avondale University graduates can be isolated from these results.
Refine by author:
Use the Author field to search for items by a particular author.  


Parentheses combine keywords and control the order of boolean operators.
Create more complex and focussed search queries:
(ministry AND theology) AND youth(teaching OR education) AND primary(addiction NOT drugs) AND mental health


If your keywords aren’t yielding suitable results, consider different synonyms.
divine, devotional, supernal, sacred
client, consumer, patron, purchaser
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