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Book – Authored Research (A1)


An A1 book is a substantial work of scholarship and must meet the definition of research as amplified in the general requirements for research publications:


  • Must meet the definition of research
  • be a major work of scholarship
  • have an International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
  • written entirely by a single author, or by joint authors who share responsibility for the whole book.
  • must has been published by a commercial publisher.
  • the author must be affiliated with the claiming institution (Avondale)

The type of books that may meet the criteria include:

  • critical scholarly texts (e.g. music, medieval or classical texts)
  • new interpretations of historical events
  • ideas or perspectives based on established research findings.


  • textbooks
  • anthologies
  • edited books
  • creative works such as novels
  • translations (unless they have a major demonstrable original research component)
  • revisions/new editions
  • manuals and handbooks
  • theses (PhD, Masters and Honours)

Research Point Value

5 research points

Book – Authored Other (A2)


This refers to books which were written entirely by a single author, or by joint authors who share responsibility for the whole book. Publications in this category must be a substantial work of scholarship.


The type of books that may meet the criteria include:

  • research monographs published by institution departments
  • textbooks (consisting mainly of new combinations of existing knowledge or updating of a body of established knowledge tomake it more readily accessible) aimed primarily at a higher education audience
  • books published by private individuals, university departments and privately funded companies, eg “vanity presses” that do notmeet the DIISRTE commercial publisher criteria
  • evaluative and investigative government department publications, e.g. DIISRTE Evaluations and Investigations Program reports
  • other authored books or monographs not classified in A1 above
  • annotated anthologies
  • translations of published books


  • revisions or new editions
  • creative works such as novels
  • Institutional departmental Working Papers, Technical Reports, Discussion Papers and the like
  • textbooks that are primarily aimed at secondary, primary or pre-school students
  • unpublished reports
  • edited books.

Book – Edited (A3)


This refers to books which must be edited books, monographs or short series of volumes consisting of contributions from a number of authors.


  • Revisions or new editions
  • Editorship of special edition journals (possibly C3)

Book – Revisions/New Editions (A4)


This refers to revised/updated single author works (A1 or A2), or edited books, monographs or short series of volumes consisting of contributions from a number of authors (A3) containing substantial new research/updated chapters.

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