Discover Avondale University


Reduce the cost of your study­­ by applying for a range of generous scholarships. The scholarships recognise qualities such as achievement, commitment or passion and support equitable access to higher education.

Use the filter tags to display relevant scholarships.

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  • Undergraduate (26)
  • Domestic (22)
  • New (22)
  • Teaching (18)
  • Arts (17)
  • Ministry and Theology (16)
  • Business (14)
  • Nursing (13)
  • Postgraduate (13)
  • International (10)
  • Returning (10)
  • VET (7)
  • Lifestyle Medicine (1)

Other Sources of Financial Support

Tertiary Access Payment

A payment to help students with the cost of moving from regional or remote areas for tertiary study. Tertiary Access Payment →

Economic Hardship Grant

This grant is available to all students who are currently studying any course at Avondale University College and have a demonstrated financial need. Economic Hardship Grant →

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